A Few Words from Koushi ESAKI
Since our firm's founding in 1935, we have been representing the interests of international
clients in Japan and are among the leading Japanese legal representatives of non-japanese
Our multilingual team of highly qualified and experienced patent attorneys, and expert
technical support and office staff will meticulously, assiduously and efficiently handle all
matters related to your intellectual property rights, while bearing in mind the specific
needs of overseas applicants.
Through our many years of experience, We can guarantee the utmost dedication, reliability
and quality of service, tailored to the individual case, at every stage of the application
process, preparing accurate translations and strong proposals to deal with Examination
results or conflicts and managing deadlines to obtain secure and comprehensive intellectual
property rights.
To ensure that the above is achieved, we not only rely on our extensive experience, but
constantly adapt to changes in national and international law and the latest technical
developments in our work, and continue to strive to provide the best possible care of your
intellectual property rights.
Tokyo, March 2018